Cambridge CAE

Hi there,

I have a question for Alan and Torsten but also for those who have passed / are preparing this exam.
I am about to prepare the CAE for the December session and I would like to be recommended some tutorials / books that would help me to prepare it efficiently. I went to Blackwells where they have tons of tutorials with or without CD ROm for various prices but I have to admit that the personel of the shop was not of any help. I don’t want to spend a fortune but I am ready to spend enough for a couple of good books (will still be cheaper than evening classes in a college in Edinburgh!). I would also like to know if anyone has used a website called flo-joe where they propvide tutorials for quite cheap and if so if it’s any worth.
May I add that according to some tests I have done online, my current level at the exam (without any preparation) is just a bit less than 70% and that I aim for 85%.
I look forward to receiving your comments/advice. :slight_smile:
Thank you

Hi Nel,

Thanks for your question, when I prepared for BEC (Business English Cambridge Certificate) I used materials that were created by Linguarama and I think they were very good. So you might want to try and check whether Linguarama is also offering prep materials for CAE.
I asked Alan and here is what he has come up with:

CAE Testbuilder

british english

Amanda French

From ?9.95 - ?12.55

CAE Testbuilder has been designed to improve exam performance and
increase language competence for success in the Cambridge Certificate
of Advanced English (CAE) exam.

Four complete practice tests

Thorough preparation for the CAE exam
Full range of typical CAE-type tasks.
Further Practice and Guidance pages

Provide test-specific exercises to develop confidence and exam techniques
Offer support for each part of every paper
Focus on common problem areas
Include a guided analysis of sample answers for Paper 2.
With and Without Key editions available

The With Key edition provides explanations as to an answer is correct
and the other answers are wrong. This helps students understand their
own problem areas and see what they need to focus on in order to

An Audio Cassette is also available for Paper 4 Listening.

You see, I now concentrate on providing information on how to prepare for the TOEIC as I think this is the most widely used business English exam in the world but I’m sure other people will share their experiences regarding the CAE too.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: Nailing a wooden floor[YSaerTTEW443543]

Thanks Torsten, this is very useful. I will go to the bookshop as soon as I have a bit of money to look at Amada French’s book.

I’ve done a search on the Linguarama website and I confirm they do not provide materials for the CAE. They are more business orientated.

The reason I am preparing the CAE and not the TOEIC (apart from the fact that I’ve been using English at work for a few years now) is to take CELTA courses to become a teacher (TEFL). A couple of organisations provide evening classes and intend to do this asap since my partner and I intend to relocate and it’s always good to have this kind of safety wheel. I’ve also always been keen on teaching, so at nearly 31 it’s not too early for me to take the step!

Anyway, enough talking.

Thanks for your advice.
