Burmese English.

We, Burmese Junglies have amazing English words.

Platform - Pavement
Sidecar - Trishaw
Spare- Bus conductor
Parking- Car Park
Parking- Package/ Packet
Lolly- Lorry

So if you’re in Burma, try your best to walk on a Platform or bite the dust. Generally, there are a lot of exciting traps in the platforms themselves. Mostly no platforms at all on most of the busy roads.

Even if they are there, they are unofficially meant for the hawkers not for the pedestrians/walkers.

So no eat no walk on the platforms, got it? Oh, dear.

We value our vehicles than human lives here in the jungle of Burma. Logical enough. No one lives up to 100?

Have fun.

Free tip - Comprehensive life insurance is compulsory if you’re going to Burma. Or die broke.

That’s amazing stuff, KML. I suggest we should create a Burmese English Dictionary that in addition to vocabulary also contains such useful tips like ‘… or die broke’ ;-)[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: A couple walking through the wood[YSaerTTEW443543]

Well, parking is a valid word, it means space where cars are parked.
Also, a parking lot/garage/space.

That’s amazing stuff, KML. I suggest we should create a Burmese English Dictionary that in addition to vocabulary also contains such useful tips like ‘… or die broke’ :wink:

Brilliant idea. But who’ll pay me.

No money, no Burmese English.
I’m not that duM, you know.

Have fun!

But here are some more.

Bus car- Bus
Van- Estate car/ Station wagon
Signal- indicator
Stage show- Concert
Pipe- straw ( for drinks )
But thee- Light bulb ( thee means fruit )

Free tips - Open your backside means open your boot. And say it in a alacrity mood Yes. M’am!

Have fun!

We can apply for ESF funding.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: Carnaval Venecia[YSaerTTEW443543]