Bring miserable self downstairs at once

Hello everyone,

In the 1948 movie Shanghai Chest there is a scene where Charlie Chan discovers that his son Tommy overheard him talking on the phone and tells him: Bring miserable self downstairs at once.

I suspect it should be “your miserable self”, but what does “miserable” mean in this context?
Unhappy (sad, depressed), unfortunate/unlucky (implying something like loser/failure)? Shameful (implying that Tommy should be ashamed of what he was doing)? Something else?

Thank you.

The scene in question starts at 37.25.


It means something like worthless. Shameful might work also.

Miserable can also mean unhappy, sad or depressed, but that’s not how it’s used in this case.


Thank you, NearlyNapping.

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You might also hear the saying “He’s a miserable excuse for a human being.”


Thank you, Arinker.

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