Bibliotheksbubble in German

Checking the latest tweets from a library journal, I came across the word ‘Bibliotheksbubble’ in the following sentence:
‘Wenn jemand aus der Bibliotheksbubble jemanden kennt, der die gedruckten Ausgaben haben moechte, bitte melden.’
Please, could you tell me what this word might mean?


Hi Irina, the Bibliotheksbubble or Bibliothek-Bubble is a humorous way of referring to those members of the academic community to tend to primarily read books in libraries rather than meeting with other students and sharing ideas with them. So, the Bibliotheksbubble describes those students who spend most of their time inside university libraries studying on their own.

Please let me know if this makes sense and keep these interesting questions coming :laughing: :+1:


Thank you very much, Torsten!


Sure, you are welcome, Irina. I forgot to add that ‘Bibliotheksbubble’ is an interesting example of a German compound noun that consists of the German word Bibliothek and the English noun ‘bubble’. This means it was coined and is used by educated native speakers of German whose English is good enough to know the meaning of the idiom ‘to live in a bubble’ because otherwise the word ‘Bibliotheksbubble’ wouldn’t make any sense to them.