Assuming there are no further incidents, we are resicinding the expulsion

This is a setence DeepL is not capable of translating correctly:

Assuming there are no further incidents, we are rescinding the expulsion.

This is understandable and OK as-is. Maybe a more clear version would be:

We are rescinding the expulsion, with the condition that there are no further incidents.

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I used Deepl, which usually produces better translations than Google Translate to translate this original German sentence: In der Annahme, dass es keine weiteren Vorfälle gibt, heben wir die Ausweisung auf.

This is what DeepL suggests: Assuming there are no further incidents, we lift the designation.

That is clear also, although it doesn’t give any indication of what designation refers to.

Assuming [condition], [action]
This is a fairly common structure. It is often shortened and brief, with the context providing more clarity.

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And this is the version Google Translate offers:

Assuming that there are no further incidents, we will withdraw the deportation.

That works also.

I’m getting a translation of all three words: expulsion, designation, and deportation. So I assume the context hints at which one is intended.

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When I have Google Translate the sentence into French and then back into English I even get ‘eviction’ which is one of the many meanings of the German noun ‘Ausweisung’ so context is super important.