Ask him about how his mom is.

  1. Ask him about how his mom is.
  2. Ask him how his mom is.
  3. Ask him what his mom is like.
    Does #1 and #2 mean the same?
    Do they mean how his mom’s health is?
    Does #3 mean that how his mum look like physically?
    Please explain.

I can’t imagine anyone using #1, especially as it has the same meaning as #2.
#2 would usually refer to health.

3 asks about her personality rather than her physical appearance in most contexts.

‘Does #1 and #2 mean the same?’
Is this question correct grammatically?
Instead should I write as below:
‘Do #1 and #2 mean the same?’

Do #1 and #2 mean the same.
Does #1 mean the same as #2.