AS far AS: I wouldn't go as far as that but the main...

correct sentence:
I wouldn’t go as far as that but the main thing is that I can make myself understood in most situations.

Correct entry: as far as
The error was: (b) as further as

You have not found the error.
your sentence:
I wouldn’t go as further as that but the as far as is that I can make myself understood in most situations

Dear Sir

could you explain the sentence

thanks a lot in advance

Christina’s son

Hi Christina328,

You asked about this:

Grammatically it must be: as far as. If you use further, it would have to be further than.

The meaning is: I wouldn’t claim/maintain to be able to do that (I imagine that is explained in a previous sentence) but what is important is that I am able to say enough for other people to understand me in most situations.
