It’s not, of course, the great news that any language often creates ‘the full bunch’ of colloquial derivatives (? denominatives?) from brands (products, etc)
And Argosing/argosing (, argosed, to argos) is not the worst word.
Everyone, even non-natives :), who dealt with Argos ever would understand it right, from the first time and without additional explanation.
It’ a real phrase.
Life is life, OK…
My question is:
Can I consider generally – as ‘a rule of thumb’ (obviously, grammar books are not the best helpers in this case) that verbs created by such a way are regular?
And use them ‘normally’ – in all tenses.
Yes, all newly coined verbs are regular as a matter of course.
(I have an idea that one that happened to be very close in spelling to a common irregular verb might assume the same irregularity; however, I don’t think such a case has yet occurred.)
In my language people do exactly the same: after creating a new word (young monster :)) we automatically and quite carefully apply to it all ‘regular’ grammar rules.
I was just wandering what Argos means, so I surf the net and came up with these valuable result but not that clear:
There are five figures in Greek mythology named Argus or Argos (Άργος).
Argus Panoptes (Argus “all eyes”) is a giant with a hundred eyes. He was also the nymph Io’s brother.
Argus was the eponym of the city of Argos. The son of Zeus and Niobe, daughter of Phoroneus, he succeeded his uncle Apis as King of Phoronea, which he renamed after himself. According to one account, he married Evadne, the daughter of Strymon and Neaera, and bore Ecbasus, Peiras, Epidaurus and Criasus. According to another account, his wife was nameless, and his sons were Peiras, Phorbas, and Tiryns.
Argos (dog) is the long-lived dog of Odysseus in the Odyssey.
Argus in the tale of the Argonauts is a shipwright, the builder of the ship the Argo, which is named after him. The vessel was used by Jason in his quest for the Golden Fleece, Jason and his compatriots called themselves Argonauts, after the ship.
Argus was the eldest son of Phrixus and Chalciope, daughter of Ae?tes. Argus and his brothers set out to return to their grandfather’s kingdom of Orchomenus, but were shipwrecked and rescued by the Argonauts. Argus and his brothers Cytissorus, Melas and Phrontis aided Jason and the Argonauts in their quest, and later returned with them to Greece.
Could any help me to know what it means directly??
Yes, it is a shop where there are mountains of catalogues of everything you would ever want or not want. You find the catalogue number of the thing you want. Tap that into a little machine and very often it says: Item not available. But if it is, you write the number on a form and hand it to an assistant. After some time and before the sun goes down, you hear a voice calling out your number and you rush to another counter to pay for and collect your item. It’s super fun, really.
How about this for a mantra: You can do it if you B and Q it.
Thanks for the info. There are similar sorts of retailers in the US, too.
I guess I must still be groggy this morning — I didn’t understand “B and Q it” either. However, googling “B&Q” provided me with the information that B&Q is a DIY retailer. :lol: