Are we on the same page? (How much do you like this idiom?)

Hi, how much do you like the idiom to be on the same page? As for me, I think it’s a good phrase that can be used in various situations. All too often we are on different pages when seem to be talking about the same topic but see things from different angles.

I hope all users get on the same page (this one) from time to time so we can share our experiences.


TOEIC short conversations: A customer makes an appointment to have his car serviced[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi Torsten

Yes, that is a nice expression. Being on the same page can mean that we’re not talking at cross purposes.

If we’re on the same page it can also mean we agree.

Are my definitions on the same page as yours? :lol:


Yes Amy, we are indeed on the same page and at a good one for that matter – it’s our forum page after all. (just a ‘pun attempt’). Speaking of puns, how often do you use them, I mean how often do you happend to come with a good pun?


TOEIC short conversations: A manager is asking his subordinate why sales have dropped again[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi Torsten,

thank you for your reply.
Is it correct to say:
We hope we will be on the same page up from next week ?


I hope we will be on the same page next week. I hope we will be in agreement at that time, (next week).

When speaking of agreement, the idiom is like, we see eye to eye.

Hi Larry,

Many thanks for answering Andrea’s question. I think what she wants to say is this:

We (she is a part of a group of people) hope we will be on the same page from now on out.

And yes, Andrea from now on we definitely will be on the same page, especially when we meet here on this forum (page).

Talk to you soon,

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Hi Torsten,

Let me toss in another one:

We’re all singing from the same hymn sheet.


Hi Alan,

singing from the same hymn sheet is a good one. It reminds me of another idiom to do with music: to play it by ear….[YSaerTTEW443543]

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