Are people free to choose a career?

In today’s digital world, there are diverse streams and areas, which have been discovered as a result of the curiosity of humans to explore facts and concepts. Since, expansion of ken is an innate quality of humans; therefore knowledge related to each field has aggrandized and reached its pinnacle. Every person has his own talents and potential, which need to be exploited aptly, so as to produce fruitful results. Needless to state, careers that can be pursued in various fields have increased exponentially due to the introduction of new subjects and streams.

Humans have been working and exploring various fields and subjects related to science, economics, law etc.; and as a direct consequence of this, today one can choose any career out of this diversified list of careers. Earlier this list included a few choices such as, scientific research, engineering, literature, business studies, medical sciences et al, but today this list entitles numerous entries including new areas of expertise such as, animation, fashion designing, enterprising, photography, consultancy et al. Albeit, the number of career options have aggrandized, still talent or bent towards a particular subject remains the most imperative factor to choose amongst various careers.

Unfortunately, with increase in the number of career options, the number of factors determining them has also increased. Needless to state that, these factors rather than providing an encouragement to students have overburdened them, and have furthermore failed to engender the desired results. These factors namely, latest trend, parental pressure, peer group effect, national economy, salary and perquisites et al change a person’s viewpoint towards his own talent and forte. Electronics, by replacing plethora heavy machinery, has become a latest trend today. Thus, many people today pursue an engineering course in electronics engineering, rather than mechanical engineering, in spite of their disinterest in electronics. In some other cases, it may be parental pressure or peer group effect that may abet a person to choose a career out of his will. If a child’s parents are doctors, against his will and inclination, he is often forced to study biology rather than mathematics. In addition to this, many people opt for a career solely because their friends choose that particular career, but they fail to realize that their strong points and fortes are different from their friends’. Furthermore, high salary, less working hours and perquisites offered in various jobs may also be career determining factors.

Additionally, a huge emphasis is primarily laid on the quantity of professionals produced per year, rather than the quality. Thus, one can clearly infer that, such professionals never excel and most often end in frustration and discontent. In addition to this, many careers or professions remain underdeveloped due to the poor economy and monetary policies of the government. The government emphasizes on that professional sector, which can provide livelihood to the denizens and reduce unemployment, and owing to this fact people are unable to find resources to enhance their talents.

Hence, in summary; in the present day scenario, choice of career on the basis of talent and bent has been rarefied, while stress is being laid over the other aforementioned factors. Nevertheless, for a country to progress and an individual to excel, the effect of such factors has to be minimized.

TOEFL listening discussions: Two roommates talking about fraternities

In today’s digital world, there are diverse streams and areas, which have been discovered as a result of the curiosity of humans to explore facts and concepts. Since expansion of ken is an innate quality of humans; therefore knowledge related to each field has aggrandized and reached its pinnacle. Every person has THEIR own talents and potential, which need to be exploited aptly, so as to produce fruitful results. Needless to state, careers that can be pursued in various fields have increased exponentially due to the introduction of new subjects and streams.

Humans have been working and exploring various fields and subjects related to science, economics, law etc.; and as a direct consequence of this, today one can choose any career out of this diversified list of careers. Earlier this list included a few choices such as, scientific research, engineering, literature, business studies, medical sciences et al, but today this list entitles numerous entries including new areas of expertise such as, animation, fashion designing, enterprising, photography, consultancy et al. Albeit, the number of career options have aggrandized, still talent or bent towards a particular subject remains the most imperative factor to choose amongst various careers.

Unfortunately, with increase in the number of career options, the number of factors determining them has also increased. Needless to state that these factors; rather than providing an encouragement to students; have overburdened them, and have furthermore failed to engender the desired results. These factors namely, latest trend, parental pressure, peer group effect, national economy, salary and perquisites et al change a person’s viewpoint towards his own talent and forte. Electronics, by replacing plethora heavy machinery, has become a latest trend today. Thus, many people today pursue an engineering course in electronics engineering, rather than mechanical engineering, in spite of their disinterest in electronics. In some other cases, it may be parental pressure or peer group effect that may abet a person to choose a career against his will. If a child’s parents are doctors, against his will and inclination, he is often forced to study biology rather than mathematics. In addition to this, many people opt for a career solely because their friends choose that particular career, but they fail to realize that their strong points and fortes are different from their friends’. Furthermore, high salary, less working hours and perquisites offered in various jobs may also be career determining factors.

Additionally, a huge emphasis is primarily laid on the quantity of professionals produced per year, rather than the quality. Thus, one can clearly infer that such professionals never excel, and most often end in frustration and discontent. In addition to this, many careers or professions remain underdeveloped due to the poor economy and monetary policies of the government. The government emphasizes on that professional sector, which can provide livelihood to the denizens and reduce unemployment, and owing to this fact people are unable to find resources to enhance their talents.

Hence, in summary; in the present day scenario, choice of career on the basis of talent and bent has been rarefied, while stress is being laid over the other aforementioned factors. Nevertheless, for a country to progress, and an individual to excel, the effect of such factors has to be minimized.

Good to see you back Goku.

Kitos. 10/10*****

Thank you sir…!!!