APOEL in dreamland

Confess, the headlines like below still confuse me. If I hadn’t known the result (Apoel defeated Porto) I could’ve taken it as Porto’s victory (over somebody). For me, more clear it would be,“APOEL in dreamland after Porto defeat.” Is it a general practice (I mean the headlines like this which you scan in a blink and can decipher by hours, unless having read the article itself)?
Thank you.

after Porto success

Your question isn’t very clear. Are you asking about a headline “APOEL in dreamland after Porto success”?

Yes, Dozy, that was my question.
Unfortunately, I found a part of the headline in my message being damaged. Strangely enough…

You’re right, “Porto success” is ambiguous here. It could mean Porto’s success, or someone else’s success in or against Porto. However “APOEL in dreamland” is understood to mean that APOEL were happy, so we assume the latter.