Apex is ..... loan obligation - a derivative security whose underlying instrument is a commercial loan - that LJM2 has with First Union, which since has been acquired by Wachovia Bank

Apex is ..... loan obligation - a derivative security whose underlying instrument is a commercial loan - that LJM2 has with First Union, which since has been acquired by Wachovia Bank. (*) a collaterized (*) a mortgaged (*) an amalgamated (*) an extended

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://english.best/questions/10255,apex-is-___-loan-obligation-a-derivative-security-whose-underlying-instrument-is-a-commercial-loan-that-ljm2-has-with-first-union-which-since-has-been-acquired-by-wachovia-bank/

*Apex is a COLLATERALIZED loan obligation - a derivative security whose underlying instrument is a commercial loan - that LJM2 has with First Union, which since has been acquired by Wachovia Bank.