This is an audio clip from the 1964 movie Mission to Venice.
Michael Newman and John’s wife talk about a postcard from Venice. Michael has read what’s written on the postcard and doesn’t understand what it means.
This is what I hear:
That’s strange, I don’t understand.
It doesn’t even have a signature. And it was done on a typewriter. And I do**…** why in Venice?
I can’t understand what is being said between “And I” and “Why in Venice”.
I listened a dozen times at slow speed. I can’t understand what she says. It might be “any idea why in Venice?”. She raises pitch on the word “Venice”, which could indicate a question.
Neither can I. Is this a DVD- movie you bought? If so, switch on the English subtitles. Mission to Venice (1964 with Sean Flynn, right?) The full movie is on Youtube, here’s the link:
It does have subtitles, but I don’t think they’re very accurate.
It might help a bit.
Masme, yes, it is the 1964 Mission to Venice, staring Sean Flynn and Madeleine Robinson.
First I found this movie on YouTube and later, by pure accident, found out that in the version posted on YouTube a scene where Marie Trégard first came to Michael’s house is missing. And then I found the full version here:
This version of the movie makes a lot more sense with the extra scene. The line still isn’t clear, but I would guess “And anyway, why Venice?”
Bear in mind that this is dubbed from French, so that the voice actress may have been trying to make it fit with a shorter French phrase.
Don’t feel bad about not understanding this originally.