Always telling the truth is impossible

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Always telling the truth is the most important consideration in any relationship.

Relationships are an important aspect of one’s life. Some believe that aways being truthful with anothee is the most valued consideration in a relationship. Personally I completely agree with this idea and in this essay, I will give two reasons for my opinion.

To begin, not always being truthful leads to decreased trust between two people. In other words, if someone would lie and get caught afterwards, they would certainly become less trustable by the other person. This would lead to the deterioration of both trust and the relationship as even if this person says the truth about something, the other party would doubt it due to previous experiences. Thus, always telling the truth increases trust and not doing so would have the opposite effect.

Additionally, always being truthful is seen as a virtue from a moral viewpoint. This means that people would likely associate and form relationships with someone who is known as being honest and refrain from being in a relationship with someone who is known as a lier. A historic figure like the prophet muhammad, for example, is a good example for this statement. The prophet was known in society for his honesty and this contributed greatly towards him becoming such an important figure. Hence, honesty is considered a positive trait for a person in society.

In conclusion, I agree with the face that honesty is the most important factor un a relationship and this is because honesty leads to trust and that truthfulness is a virtuous trait for a person.


Relationships are an important aspect of a person’s life. Some believe that being truthful to the other person is the most important thing in a relationship. Personally, I fully agree with this idea and will give two reasons for my opinion in this essay.

First of all, truthfulness does not always lead to lower trust between two people. In other words: If someone lies and then gets caught, he will surely lose the trust of the other person. This would lead to a deterioration of both trust and the relationship, because even if that person tells the truth about something, the other party would doubt it based on past experiences. So if you always tell the truth, trust increases; if you don’t, you have the opposite effect.

Furthermore, from a moral point of view, it is considered a virtue to always tell the truth. This means that people would probably enter into a relationship with someone who is known to be honest and would not enter into a relationship with someone who is known to be a liar. A historical figure such as the Prophet Muhammad is a good example of this statement. The Prophet was known in society for his honesty, and this played a major role in making him such an important figure. Therefore, honesty is considered a positive quality of a person in society.

In conclusion, I agree with the statement that honesty is the most important factor in a relationship because honesty leads to trust, and truthfulness is a virtuous quality for a person.

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