Against the window...

English Grammar Tests, Elementary Level

ESL/EFL Test #82 [color=blue]“Prepositons Test”, question 3

I heard a glass breaking noise in the living room and ran to see what happened. A pigeon flew the window and broke it.

(a) for
(b) from
(c) by
(d) against

English Grammar Tests, Elementary Level

ESL/EFL Test #82 [color=blue]“Prepositons Test”, answer 3

I heard a glass breaking noise in the living room and ran to see what happened. A pigeon flew against the window and broke it.

Correct answer: (d) against

Your answer was: [color=red]incorrect
I heard a glass breaking noise in the living room and ran to see what happened. A pigeon flew from the window and broke it.

may you please explain “against”? Thanks

Hi Ted

In this sentence, using the word against tells you that the bird came in forceful contact with the window.

Here is a dictionary link: