Advertising encourages us to buy things that we really do not need.

Hello Kitosdad,

This is my frist time to post my essay in this forum. I am going to do Ielts exam on the 5th of June. Could you please correct this essay for me? Thank you very much for your kindness.

[b]Some people say that advertising encourages us to buy things that we really do not need. Others say that advertisements tell us about new products that may improve our lives.

Which viewpoint do you agree with?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.[/b]

Nowaday, It is not easy to avoid from advertisements. We could see them anywhere even in public restroom or television news. In my view, I tend to agree that advertisements inform us about new products that could make our lives better. For instance, we can buy the lastest version of computer to serve our works if advertisements tell us about new products.

Nevertheless, we can not deny that advertising tempt us to buy things that we really do not need. Someone said this situation always happen especially with children because they are not grown enough to make decision with reason. However, we have to accept that sometimes adult get new products without necessity just because they have seen advertising movie on television or have got brochure from a shopping mall.

As we all know, most of advertisements convince us by superstars or celebrities to believe that it would be great if we use same products with them. Besides, there are many advertisements that use pictures which are more beautiful than real products and those pictures influence our purchase. That is why we just realize after taking new products home that we have bought things which we do not want such as cosmatics, shoes and clothes.

In the modern world, human is living in consumer culture. New products were produced everyday. We are facing the storm of advertisements so we should consider everytime before making purchase. Additionally, when we go shopping, we should ask ourself if we really need this thing or not. This way will reminds us to do not spend money on extravagant products by the encourage of advertisements.

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Nowaday, It is not easy to avoid from advertisements. We could CANsee them anywhere even in public restroomS or ON THE television news. In my view, I tend to agree that advertisements inform us about new products that could make our lives better. For instance, we can buy the LATEST version of computer to serve our works if advertisements tell us about new products.

Nevertheless, we (cannot) deny that advertising temptS us to buy things that we really do not need. Someone said this situation always happenS especially with children(,) because they are not grown enough to make REASONED decisionS.
However, we have to accept that sometimes adultS ALSO BUY new products without necessity just because they have seen AN advertising movie on television or have RECEIVED A brochure from a shopping mall.

As we all know, most of THESE advertisements TRY TO convince us by PAYING superstars or celebrities to PERSUADE US believe that it would be great if we useS THE same products AS them. Besides, there are many advertisements that use pictures which are more beautiful than real THE products(,) and those pictures influence our purchase. That is why we just realize after taking new products home that we have bought things which we do not NEED such as cosmEtics, shoes and clothes.

In the modern world, humanS ARE living in A consumer culture. New products ARE produced everyday. We are facing the storm of advertisements so we should CAREFULLY consider every-time before making A purchase. Additionally, when we go shopping, we should ask ourselVES if we really need this thing or not. This way will remind us to not spend money on extravagant products by the encourage of THAT ARE HYPED BY advertisements.
WELCOME to the Forum Teddy. Nice to have you here.

Kitos. 7.5/10