a.I definitely will be late today.
b.I will definitely be late today.
c.I will be definitely late today.
d.I will be late definitely today.
e.Definitely I will be late today.
f.I will be late today definitely.
What is correct? All are correct? Is there a rule?
To my knowledge, adverb is placed (1) [color=blue]before main verb, (2) [color=blue]after verb To Be, and (3) [color=blue]after the first (modal) auxiliary verb.
(1) I definitely come late today.
(2) I am definitely late today.
(3) I will definitely be late today.
Jupiter has given you some good rules. Well done, Jupiter.
(But the first sentence should be in a future tense: (1) I will definitely come late today.)
Regarding Quoc’s sentences:
(b) is correct and is the most “standard” or “typical”
(d) sounds odd. (Is your teacher trying to stress the word “today”?)
(e) also sounds odd, but might be possible if you place a comma after “Definitely”. The word “definitely” would then sound like an agreement with or verification of something someone else has just said.
(f) also sounds odd, but might be possible if the word “definitely” is separated from the rest of the sentence and added as an afterthought (i.e., additional punctuation necessary)
I find it hard to believe that an English teacher would tell you that you can put the word “definitely” anywhere you like and leave it at that. :?
Does that mean that when you have a test, your teacher will accept the word “definitely” anywhere in every sentence? :roll: