Additional marketing elements

In addition to our current sales copy we should add the following elements:

  • [i]money back guarantee [/i] This might sound like a no-brainer for a downloadable product that can be saved on your PC once you have paid once. Still, I know this feature works as it greatly helps a prospective make the purchase.
  • [i]bonuses[/i] One of these bonuses will be our [url=]ESL book[/url]. As a matter of fact, it's probably best to give the book away only if a person purchases any of the PDF files.
  • [i]testimonials[/i] We can offer the ESL test package to our forum users for free if they create and submit a testimonial.
  • [i]features and benefits[/i] This will be an overview of the product features explaining how you will benefit from them.
  • [i]background info on the author[/i] There must be more information on the person(s) who has/have created the tests and materials. People always want to connect with people rather than products.
  • [i]FAQ[/i] Here we can list possible questions and answers regarding the PDF test packages.

    Any other suggestions?[YSaerTTEW443543]

    TOEFL listening lectures: A university lecture on Animal Behavior by a professor of Biology[YSaerTTEW443543]

  • We will also split the entire package into small ones – business, (TOEIC prep), synonyms, expressions, elementary. This will have many advantages one of which is that we can offer smaller packages at a very low price. Many of our prospective buyers are from countries in which $9,90 is a lot of money and they still want to learn English…