Accidents will happen

Test No. [color=blue]express/elem-1 “Adding Up”, question 10

I know you are very sorry that you broke the pot but accidents will happen.

(a) things will take place
(b) things do occur
(c) things take place often
(d) things often go wrong

Test No. [color=blue]express/elem-1 “Adding Up”, answer 10

I know you are very sorry that you broke the pot but things do occur.

Correct answer: (b) things do occur

Your answer was: [color=red]incorrect
I know you are very sorry that you broke the pot but things often go wrong.

Why is “things do occur” correct but “things often go wrong” is wrong. Is it because of the presence of “often” ?

[color=blue]You have to be a pessimist to say that things often go wrong…???

Accidents will happen and things do occur both are idiomatic phrases which basically mean that sometimes things go wrong.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: A person enjoying the day[YSaerTTEW443543]

Ok, thank you. so I basically need to remember that they mean the same.

As an aside, what is the difference between “happen” and “occur”. Do we use “happen” when things happen unexpectedly and “occur” when an event occurs as expected?

Also in general what is the rule/accepted custom to post these lead-off questions which don’t really have a connection to the original post?

Thanks again

Dear Abecedarian,

Thanks for your interesting question, Alan has explained the difference between happen and occur here:

You can ask any questions simply by posting them here.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: Working with an ox[YSaerTTEW443543]