About my homework, sometimes it's very difficult...

sometimes it’s too difficult for me…
and I really make too many mistakes…
so I’ll be writing some of the excercises here …
people who’s english is fluent,please write down the answers…I’ll be very gratefull :wink:

ex 1. like the passive,the expressions have/get something done focuses on what happens nad not on the doer of tha action.
A.is the photocopier working?
B.yes.We had it manded yesterday.(it doesn’t matter who did it )
Complete the exchanges below with the expression have/get something done.

1.A:This office looks rather shabby,doesn’t it?
B:I know We’re going to …

2.what a dazzling speech!
yeah.I’m sure he …

3.A.the video’s on the blink again…
B:We definitely need to …

4.A:Our fire alarm seems to have a will of its own,doesn’t it?
B:Yes.I think We should …

5.A:I’m not sure the figures in this report are right.
B:Well,why don’t you…

thanks beforehand…

Hey, Che :smiley:

Why don’t we start with your telling us what verb you think should be used to complete each sentence. After that, we can work on the had/get formations. :wink:

By the way, rather than saying “thanks beforehand.” you should say “Thanks in advance.”

You’re welcome (in advance ;)).
