Abbreviation of "example"


When I was at school, some of my teachers used “ex” as the abbreviation of “example”, and I thought they took the first 2 character of the “example” to have the “ex”

Then, I found out that “ex” is used to indicate the person who used to be in a romantic/sexual relationship (bf-gf or married couple)

–> and I wonder if the use of “ex” as “example” is correct

In addition, many people use “e.g.” as the abbreviation of “example”

Could any one tell me where is the source/root of that “e.g.”? and is there any other abbreviation for “example”?

Thank you very much

For ‘e.g.’ –


Thank you

The abbreviation of “for example” is (e.g.).
Word origin-Date:1600-1700/Language:Latin/Origin:exempli gratia ‘for the sake of example’.
However,I saw '‘EX:" as its abbreviation.I wonder whether it’s right or not.
We can also use “for instance” instead of “for example”.

one thing you have to know is the difference between e.g. and i.e.

Yeah yeah, thanks for reminding me

and this is what I have found

What is the Difference Between i.e. and e.g.?

The differences between i.e. and e.g. are more significant than many think, and misuse of the two abbreviations are abundant. Both i.e. and e.g. are abbreviations for Latin terms. I.e. is short for id est which transliterates as “that is” or “in other words.” E.g. abbreviates exempli gratia. This means “for the sake of the example” but is often translated as “for example.”

Thus one would expect to see i.e. used to clarify or put in other words something previously stated. One might see the following correct usage of i.e.: “Her heart sunk as the ship disappeared into the water; i.e., she was devastated.” Some writers would confuse i.e. and e.g. here, and use e.g. instead. Further, misuse might include i.g, or e.i.

Of course one can avoid the use of i.e. and e.g. completely by substituting “in other words,” for i.e. “Her heart sunk as the ship disappeared into the water. In other words, she was devastated.” Since people are likely to confuse i.e. and e.g., it may be wise to come up with a more simple statement.

E.g. might be expected when one wished to make a list of several examples to further elucidate understanding. For example one might write: “He only likes games played with a bat; e.g. cricket, softball and baseball. Again this could be simplified by writing “He only likes games played with a bat, such as cricket, softball and baseball.

Confusion often occurs in common usage of both i.e. and e.g. because people often assume i.e. means to list examples. This is definitely not the case. The statement, “He only likes games played with a bat; i.e., cricket, softball and baseball,” is incorrect.

Occasionally this confusion occurs because a writer wishes to sound educated and referencing Latin terms like i.e. and e.g. seems educated indeed. This is a common mistake made especially by young writers; e.g. college freshman, junior high, and high school students. However, misuse obviously creates the opposite of an educated feel; i.e., instructors may think you are not very bright.

Instead of perusing the dictionary for hugely impressive words or Latin phrases like i.e. and e.g., the general standard in writing is clear, understandable English. Points should be made without excess of vocabulary. Further, it is always better to use words that you can clearly define rather than to dip into words you think you know the meaning of in order to impress.

source: … and-eg.htm

4Albert Joseph in Executive Guide to Grammar, third edition, 1987 had this to say about using abbreviations:
Generally, do not use them. This advice may surprise you, but consider that in ordinary writing abbreviations serve only one purpose: to save space. Usually, in ordinary writing, the abbreviated form of a word does not save enough space to justify the slight awkwardness it creates.

Do use such standard abbreviations as Mr., Ms., Mrs., or Dr.

Per chance, you may receive the following abbreviations of Latin origin.

A D., Latin anno domini, “in the year of our Lord

cf. Latin confer, “compare”

e.g. Latin exempli gratia, “for example”

et al Latin et alii, “and others”

etc. Latin et cetera, “and so forth”

i.e. Latin id est, “that is”

N.B. Latin nota bene, “note well”

P. S. Latin postscribere “to write after”

‘Ex’ is sometimes mistakingly used to mean: for example.

It stands for: ‘exercise’ and not ‘for example’