A ..... recommendation is a good way to gain a broad view, but it doesn't necessarily offer the best solution for the investor; the criteria used by each analyst may vary, so it should be considered only as an indicator.

A ..... recommendation is a good way to gain a broad view, but it doesn't necessarily offer the best solution for the investor; the criteria used by each analyst may vary, so it should be considered only as an indicator. (*) combined (*) compound (*) consensus (*) coordinated

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://english.best/questions/14816,a-___-recommendation-is-a-good-way-to-gain-a-broad-view-but-it-doesnt-necessarily-offer-the-best-solution-for-the-investor-the-criteria-used-by-each-analyst-may-vary-so-it-should-be-considered-only-as-an-indicator/