a piece of the action

  1. We had to jostle our way in the crowd to the front of the platform.
    2a. Every employee could get a piece of the action, if the company runs on profit.
    2b. Every employee could get a slice of the action, if the company runs on profit.
    Please correct the above.
  1. We had to jostle our way through the crowd to the front of the platform. <-- ‘through’ is better than in because it denotes movement. The same would apply in this instance:
    We had to fight our way through the crowd…

2a. Every employee could get a piece of the action, if the company ran/were to run on profit.
2b. Every employee could get a slice of the action, if the company ran/were to run on profit.
‘Were to run’ is the obvious option, as ‘could’ denotes conditional usage. ‘Ran’ is also possible though,