A noticeable haze that is caused by a mixture of air pollutants and sunlight is called ......

(*) sleet

(*) smog

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://english.best/questions/16257,a-noticeable-haze-that-is-caused-by-a-mixture-of-air-pollutants-and-sunlight-is-called
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I used to live in a city at the base of the mountains. The pollution was not too noticeable in the city itself, but when you see it from above in the mountains it was very noticeable at times.

Not only was there the normal city pollution, but there were a lot of rice fields in the surrounding area. They burn the rice fields every year and it puts a huge amount of particulate matter in the air.

I remember watching the Australian Shark Tank. A guy found a way to make substitute wood products from rice straw. The sharks turned him down which I thought was a mistake. Farmers would love to find a way to get rid of all that straw without burning it. I think the sharks didn’t take into account just how big of a problem this solved. The guy presenting it was also going after the wrong market. He wanted to use the substitute wood for furniture. I worked in construction as a framer and I think the construction market would be far bigger - and has already been moving toward manufactured wood products for quite a while.

Rice Field Burning

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