A gift for a child

A gift (such as a camera, a soccer ball, or an animal) can contribute to a child’s development. What gift would you give to help a child develop? Why? Use reasons and specific examples to support your choice.
Every gift has its certain influences on children’s development, especially on their personality forming. Because of the high standard of living as well as the explosion of techonology nowadays, there are plenty of useful presents for kids. I believe that a bicycle will be a great choice which brings a child a feeling of moving freely and independence.

First of all, a bicycle meets a child’s daily needs of traveling. It can be clearly seen that the modern life is too busy. Parents have to work all day to support their family so that seldom do they have time to pick up their children. Therefore, a bicycle is quite essential to the children to go wherever they want. They can go to school, come back home by themselves and freely join many exciting extracurriculars yet not to depend on their families’ timetable. Futhermore, it is easy for them to go on picnics, to bookstore or and find out new places in the town with their friends or by themselves. As a result, the more places they go the more knowledge they gain.

Besides, a bicycle also gives the children independence. Fristly, they have to learn how to ride a bicycle. It is quite difficult and need much patience. After falling, they will stand up, get experiences, and learn that success comes after many failures. Secondly, each child has his or her own way to keep and decorate their bike. The independence also reflects on how the children behave in society when riding on the street. They need to be careful, obey the traffic law, and learn how to manage in some unexpected situations without the helps of their families such as going on the wrong way or some slight accidents.

To sum up, a bicycle is a good friend for children. It not only brings convenience in daily traveling but also contributes to a child’s self-reliance. It is surely a useful present that many children are looking forward to.

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A gift (such as a camera, a soccer ball, or an animal) can contribute to a child’s development. What gift would you give to help a child develop? Why? Use reasons and specific examples to support your choice.
Every gift has its certain influences on children’s development, especially on their personality forming. Because of the high standard of living as well as the explosion of techonology nowadays, there are plenty of useful presents for CHILDREN. I believe that a bicycle will be a great choice which brings a child a feeling of moving freely and independence.

First of all, a bicycle meets a child’s daily needs of traveling. It can be clearly seen that the modern life is too busy. Parents have to work all day to support their family so that seldom do they have time to pick up their children. Therefore, a bicycle is quite essential to the children to go wherever they want. They can go to school, come back home by themselves and freely join many exciting extracurriculars yet not HAVE to depend on their families’ timetable. FuRthermore, it is easy for them to go on picnics, to THE bookstore or and find out new places in the town with their friends or by themselves. As a result, the more places they go the more knowledge they gain.

Besides, a bicycle also gives the children independence. FIRstly, they have to learn how to ride a bicycle. It is quite difficult and needS much patience. After falling, they will stand up, get experiences, and learn that success comes after many failures.

Secondly, each child has his or her own way to keep and decorate their bike. The independence also reflects on how the children behave in society when riding on the street. They need to be careful, obey the traffic lawS, and learn how to manage in some unexpected situations without the help of their families such as going on the wrong way or some slight accidents.

To sum up, a bicycle is a good friend for children. It not only brings convenience in daily traveling but also contributes to a child’s self-reliance. It is surely a useful present that many children are looking forward to.
A very good essay Godness. A little short on punctuation, but nevertheless very good.

Kitos. 8.5/10