A/D:People should sometimes do things they don't enjoy doing.

Topic: A/D:People should sometimes do things that they do not enjoy doing.

Life is not only a box of adorable chocolate that you love. It is more about sadness, difficulties, miseries and things you cannot help. However, that is why the little happiness in your life blazes that brightly. As far as I am concerned, I would do things that I do not enjoy doing.

I believe that everyone of us had a dream about changing the world. Achieving the big dream, doing what is disagreeable is of necessary. My dad used to tell me the world is just this big with a globe in his hand. He emphasized that with the capabilities and powers I got, I could go to everywhere I want, and change the old rules that do not make sense, nevertheless, working hard is all it takes to be strong and competent.

We may cite a single example of a TV series called Q10 which hit me with touching details. Students of Class 1 are shocked because one of them dropped out of school and started working because he is too poor to buy a piece of cake to his little brother. They sang in front of his apartment to express their feelings and say goodbye even though the neighbors complained to the police. The headmaster apologized for it to the police and comforted his students. He said an apology is nothing as long as their emotion has conveyed. The plot demonstrates that doing what you enjoy little sometimes ensures those you want get well done and it is of great sense of achievement.

In the same TV series, there is an episode which impresses me a lot. A woman is fear to be with a man because she has been selfish thinking only about herself for her entire life. Therefore, it will be difficult for her to love someone and sacrifice for him. Yet inspired by the man’s mother’s word that one always sacrifices something to get those one desires just as she did for her career, the woman accepts the man. Sometimes you try so hard that you are not even aware of what you are doing is something that you do not enjoy at all, since what you are suffering would be bricks to build the skyscraper.

To sum up, doing things that we do not enjoy is necessary. With responsibilities and dreams we got inside, we should accomplish them nicely.

Hello MR kitos. here’s another essay of mine. Please give me some comment especially the ending,that’s my weakness.
Thanks a lot!

TOEFL listening discussions: A conversation between two students in their dormitory during registration week

Topic: A/D:People should sometimes do things that they do not enjoy doing.

Life is not only a box of adorable chocolate that you love. It is more about sadness, difficulties, miseries and things you cannot help. However, that is why the little happiness in your life blazes that brightly. As far as I am concerned, I would do things that I do not enjoy doing.

I believe that everyone of us had a dream about changing the world. In achieving the big dream, doing what is disagreeable is sometimes necessary. My dad used to tell me the world is just this big with a globe in his hand. He emphasized that with the capabilities and powers I had, I could go to anywhere I wanted, and change the old rules that do not make sense, nevertheless, working hard is all it takes to be strong and competent.

We may cite a single example of a TV series called Q10 which hit me with touching details. Students of Class 1 are shocked because one of them dropped out of school and started working, because he is too poor to buy a piece of cake for his little brother. They sang in front of his apartment to express their feelings and say goodbye even though the neighbors complained to the police. The headmaster apologized for it to the police and comforted his students. He said an apology is nothing as long as their emotion was conveyed. The plot demonstrates that doing what you do not enjoy sometimes ensures that what you want gets well done and it is a great sense of achievement.

In the same TV series, there is an episode which impressed me a lot. A woman is afraid to be with a man because she has been selfish thinking only about herself for her entire life. Therefore, it will be difficult for her to love someone and sacrifice for him. Yet inspired by the man’s mother’s word that one always sacrifices something to get those one desires just as she did for her career, the woman accepts the man. Sometimes you try so hard that you are not even aware of what you are doing is something that you do not enjoy at all, since what you are suffering would be bricks to build the skyscraper.

To sum up, doing things that we do not enjoy is often necessary. With responsibilities and dreams we have inside, we should accomplish them nicely.

Sometimes it is better that you do not get to touch your dreams, especially if you are asked to do things that you find distasteful to acquire them.

Kitos. 8/10

Sir, thank you very much. You mean it is better not to write this way or? Sorry I don’t get it…

I simply wrote a better concluding line.

Ok. I got it.><