A corporation must keep its general ledger or other books of ..... entry, in electronic or paper form, containing summaries of its year-to-year transactions, along with any special agreements, contracts, etc, that might be needed to understand the entries.

A corporation must keep its general ledger or other books of ..... entry, in electronic or paper form, containing summaries of its year-to-year transactions, along with any special agreements, contracts, etc, that might be needed to understand the entries. (*) final (*) initial (*) original (*) terminal

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://english.best/questions/11490,a-corporation-must-keep-its-general-ledger-or-other-books-of-___-entry-in-electronic-or-paper-form-containing-summaries-of-its-year-to-year-transactions-along-with-any-special-agreements-contracts-etc-that-might-be-needed-to-understand-the-entries/