5 ways to champion vulnerable languages | World Economic Forum

Language is the single most fundamental asset every one of us owns. Any form of material wealth is impossible without language because our thinking requires language. Without language we can’t think and without thinking we can’t create and without creating we can’t live. So, language is not only the medium that facilitates communication but also the currency any commercial transaction is done in because any piece of infrastructure requires data and information which in turn are based on language. Raw data without meaning is worth nothing. If you want to extract value from any number of data sets you need to convert that data into meaningful information. In order to accomplish this you need language. There are currently 7000 languages in existence worldwide most of which are at risk of becoming extinct. The vast majority of all people use one of the most widely spread languages thereby marginalizing the rest of the languages.


Hi Torsten. Interesting issue you raised. For me at least. I think rise and extinction of languages is a natural and inevitable process like life itself. We all die sooner or later. Some without offspring, others having bred a number of descendants. Some live incredibly long staying in coma like lingua latina. However in the global world we are approaching it doesn’t seem improbable only one or two global languages will be left. Now in your post you raised the problem of vulnerable languages but I couldn’t find the above mentioned 5 ways to champion them. Or maybe the readers are supposed to guess or invent them? If so, why 5 only? :smile: Peoples imagination is really unlimited, unlike mine though because I can see only one: portable devices based on AI.
Regards from Russia.


Oh, sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Oleg from Tolyatti. We chatted another day on Google Meet.