20 seconds flat!


Could you please tell me the meaning of flat in the given sentence?

1-Flopping down on the empty bed beside mine, he was snoring peacefully in 20 seconds flat."


Hi Tom

20 seconds flat means exactly 20 seconds and not even one fraction of a second longer.


So fast :!: :!: :shock: Thank you a lot.

Amy, could you please see if the given sentences are correct?

1- He came back in one hour flat.
2- He came back in one hour nothing.
3- She is twenty years flat.
4- She is twenty years nothing.

Yours ever


Hi Tom

Forget about sentences 2, 3 +4. :shock: They’re not good. Sentence 1 is possible, but the word flat is most typically used with seconds and minutes. It’s usually associated with a surprisingly short or fast period of time.



You could say She’s twenty-something. And that simply means She’s in her twenties.