Hi, I’ve just written made a new blog entry saying that our newsletter will probably have more than 10,000 readers before Christmas this year but then I took a closer look at the numbers and realized that this will happen even much sooner. Let me explain. When I started this newsletter our website didn’t exist nor did the forum. I simple collected the email addresses of a people I used to work with and told them that from time to time I would send some information on how to learn English.
Then in 2003 Alan took over and started to write essays covering various language and vocabulary topics. By then Slava had created a system that allows subscribers to enter their first name into our database and so in the newsletter we can address every single reader personally. What’s more, Slava even wrote a script that inserts the reader’s name into the subject line of the email newsletter. It goes without saying that a subscriber can leave the list any time with one single click.
Before a new reader subscribes, they can read all the back issues in the archive first to get an idea of what the newsletter is all about.
Now, why am I telling you all this? Well, I just wanted to know what you think of email newsletters. What publications do you subscribe to and how often do you actually read them? (It’s one thing to sign up for a free email newsletter, yet it’s another one to read every issue.)
In what do you think are email newsletters different to other forms of Internet components such as websites, forums, blogs, etc? Do you prefer to receive a text or HTML version of your newsletter? What impact do electronic publications have on traditional newspapers and magazines?[YSaerTTEW443543]
TOEIC listening, photographs: Checking stock levels[YSaerTTEW443543]