Why do your posts disappear after they are answered?

Hi Tamara

That’s not true. You will also hear all kinds of different tenses in an American weather forecast when the meteorologist refers to the upcoming weather – including the simple present, the present continous, the ‘be going to’ future, the ‘will’ future, even the future continuous.

I’m just extremely uncomfortable with what I see as a lack of contextual justification for using the simple present tense in the test question. :? And, I have to admit, the fact that the sentence appears in an elementary level test also irritates me. :cry:

Fortunately, the sentence in question tests vocabulary rather than tense. :smiley:


I believe you (believe me!), but I wish someone had told me straight away about outside window cleaners in England when
I first went to live there. Imagine my surprise (or was it fright? – I can’t remember) one day when a shadow suddenly appeared at the bathroom window on the first floor (by British standards)! Thank goodness it was a frosted glass window!