Underlying meaning.

As long as you know you’re enjoying sniping, go Walf!

Hi Molly,

I thought we had an agreement as far as calling forum members by their names?[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: The young football players[YSaerTTEW443543]

Sorry, typo. :oops:

What kind of agreement do we have on threads such as this: http://www.english-test.net/forum/ftopic25838.html?

Do you know the expression that begins this way, Molly?
"That’s a load of ____ !

“Fun”? Lighten up, Amy.

That’s a load of… dirt?


Hmmm… Having some context problems, Molly? Or do you not know the expression? Let’s try this one instead – just for fun. :wink:
Fill in the blank:

“What a crock of _____ !”

dawn? :lol: