The behaviour of cats and dogs...

Funny story :slight_smile:

I love cats. I’d like to have one at home :smiley: But can’t get “permit” for that already 22 years :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: My mother is a doctor, she says it can be dangerous for our healt :cry: I love cats, they are to lovely and supercilious :smiley:

~Phoebe Kiprida

Good morning Kitosdad.I am already translanting and laughing a lot.

Thank you

Sandra, I have read, and laughed at it, dozens of times. The pictures that the text conjures in the mind are endless.


Hi kitosdad!

Finally I could translate and read the text. I have learnt the meaning of several words besides laughing a lot.It is too good to learn with pleasure isn’t it? Only who has cats knows how it is difficult to give a cat a pill. I have learnt with the veterinarian a way to make this a little easier: you need for this, two people. One has to hold the front and the rear paws(the cat is sat). The other people close its nose and open its mouth with vertical head and then you push the pill to the throat. Wait a little holding its nose closed. Usually you have success. (Each person has to find the better way to hold the cat).
Fortunately we have nowadays a medicine that we have to give them every year (for worms) that we can apply the liquid on its back. No stress! The drug is from a Germany laboratory.

I hope you could understand what I explained.
Do you have any pet?
One more time, thank you very much and if you want and find any mistake, please correct me.


Sandra - Brasil

Sandra, if I owned a cat I’d have to wash my hands after petting it (every time), cuz I’m allergic to cats.

That said:

I was watching TV one night in my downtown apartment. It was February – in Nashville that means it’s cool (maybe 5-10 Celsius), windy and rainy… really crappy weather.

Anyhow, I heard repeated meows. I figured whatever it was must be hating life because i could her its cries above the raucous of my turned-up TV.

I went down to the front porch of the apartment building and saw two paws sticking out of the bottom of a grill-cover. Whatever owned the paws was trying to stay warm underneath the grill and its overhanging cover.

Well I don’t have all night to explain exactly how both of my forearms became all scratched up, but that cat finally did follow me up to my apartment.

I had some leftover bratwurst and, figuring the poor thing must be starving, expected that cat to make short work of it.


Okay, then… (stupid cat!)

I gave it some milk and petted it a couple of times and the purring which resulted could have awakened the dead.

After a sleepless night trying to keep the cat out of my stuff and from crapping in my apartment, the next day I drove the cat to our (my girlfriend’s and my…) old neighbor, Mr. Garber. That was about 2.5 years ago. Sweetie has been a good cat for him ever since.

I now live there, with my girlfriend, two doors down from Mr. Garber and Sweetie. I’m not certain that Sweetie remembers how she came to enjoy a (solid) roof over her head, but she lets me pet her and touches my calves/ankles with her tail, so maybe she hasn’t entirely forgotten.

Good morning Sandra, even your manner of trying to give the cat a pill had me laughing my head off. :lol: :lol:

My imagination was in over-drive picturing the number of people needed to turn this simple job into a nightmare.

Cats, you just have to love them! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


…except when you’re in need of companionship and the cat ignores you.

Dogs are much more in tune with us emotionally, IMO.

Oh my goodness! I am unhappy! I couldn’t convice you that you can treat cats in a good way and that they are special animals!
I swear,I have two cats and they like me a lot, and they are excelent companion.

Regards to my friends

Sandra Brasil

Sweetie is a good cat. She lets me pet her. But my dog Mollie is a far, far, f-a-r superior pet:

  1. When I come home, she is at the door to greet me with kisses (she licks my face). She then runs around the house, showing me again how happy she is that I am home. There has never been a cat so visibly happy to see its master come home.

  2. Molly can sit, shake, lie down and beg on command. (though she begs all the time and will sit before being asked if she wants something) I have yet to see a cat even do so simple a thing as to sit on command.

  3. If I’m having a tough time, my Molly will sit next to me and put her muzzle under my chin. It’s her way of saying “I love you, Tom. Please be happy. It’s okay.” I have yet to see a cat respond to the emotional need of its master like my Molly responds to mine. It’s as if she can read my mind.

  4. My Molly has a better grasp of the English language than most three-year-olds: she knows probably fifty words or phrases. “Molly go for a walk?” sends her, in a frenzy, to the door. “Molly, where’s the possum?” sends her to the door, growling. “Molly want some cheese?” puts her attention on me – she knows what cheese is and she likes it. She’s a dairy dog after her Wisconsinite master’s heart. But most of all is the fact that she stares, perks up her ears and cocks her head whenever I talk to her, as if my every word is of the utmost importance.

Cats never seem to give a damn about what I’m saying.

I guess it boils down to this: dogs clearly love us and care about what we think/want/say/do. Dogs protect us with their lives. Dogs treat us like dear family members. Dogs try to please us. Dogs pay attention to us.

Cats simply do not seem to care half as much, or be in-tune with us to the same degree… cats, where is the love?

Maybe it’s that dogs are pack animals and are naturally very social, emotional and family-oriented.

But as good a cat as Sweetie is, she can’t hold a candle to the emotional fulfillment provided by the average dog… let alone my Molly.

If you’ve never known the richness of having a dog, do yourself a huge favor and get one. You’ll quickly become his day and his night, which is incredibly endearing.

Hi Prezbucky! Good afternon!

I agree with you! Dogs are more in tune with us, and I had two dogs once. After reading what you wrote I missed them a lot. Cats are different: You can’t command them,
but you can have a good relationship with them if you can understand their nature.
They are independent.
Many people don’t like cats because tkey like to have the control of theirs pets.
I guess the cute dog that is in the picture below your name is Mollie isn’t it?


Sandra- Brasil

Tom, my two dogs mean more to me than I can put into words. I don’t know how my life would be without them.

They are my everything, and I try my damnest to give them everything they need. I wouldn’t swap them for a king’s ransom.

Hi Kitosdad! How are you?

Finally you answered my previous question: you have two dogs. Very nice! I love dogs too.


Sandra - Brasil

Hello Sandra. I am fine, and I do apologise for the delay in answering your question.

I actually take care of three dogs. Two are mine and the third is my neighbours. She works every morning and therefore I get “roped-in” to do the “walkies” routine.
Nevertheless, we live in a very pleasant area, and there are many places to walk the dogs.
People in Germany seem to love dogs, so much so that, older people are advised to always go out with a dog, because when crossing the road German drivers would never kill someone with a dog. Without a dog …LOOK OUT!


Hi again kitosdad!

I know German like animals. My great-grandmother was German, and since I was a child I was in touch with German and everybody, includes ,my mother had dogs. I spoke German when I was child, but my father was totaly Brazilian and didn’t like to hear his children speaking German with his wife. Nowadays I don’t speak any German word.
I think it’s a good job to walk with dogs manily if they don’t figth each other, and if you have a nice place to do this.
It was good to talk to you again and I hope this happens more times.
I am reading and studying the Alan’s text “Are you a nitpicker?”

Good afternoon,

Sandra - Brasil

So it’s established that (at least) Americans, Brits, Frenchies and Germans (generally) love and/or respect dogs.

Boo yah – The cheeseburger, bratwurst, beer, fish and chips and coq au vin crowd love their canines.

Are there people – cultures/countries – who are against the dog?

If so, do the allow people with US passports and small arms?
