That means you must now all get of the coach and we will spend the next hour and a half walking to our destination

That means you must now all get of the coach and we will spend the next hour and a half walking to our destination. (*) means (*) of (*) spend

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at,that-umeansu-you-must-now-all-get-uofu-the-coach-and-we-will-uspendu-the-next-hour-and-a-half-walking-to-our-destination/
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of -> off . … get off the coach and we will spend the next hour and a half walking to out destination


That’s right, Luks. To get off here means to leave the bus. Interestingly enough, in Munich we say to alight the train.

Another word meaning ‘to get off’ is to disembark.

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