Some people think that human needs for farmland, housing, and industry are more important than saving land for endangered animals

Some people believe that building new facilities, such as houses and mills, is more important than protecting endangered species. However, I believe that these actions do more harm than good because those animals are suffering from lack of habitat due to human actions that expanded the realm without thinking about biodiversity and future effects. Therefore, I think humans should take heed of endangered species rather than meet our needs. I feel this way for two reasons, which I will explain in the following essay.

To begin with, human actions have been producing destructive, harmful emissions into nature where animals and plants live without interfering with humans. Many countries started constructing new facilities to enhance their own countries’ power. As a result, it has caused irreparable destruction in the world. For example, deforestation is one of the biggest problems, and it is harmful not only to the animals living there but also to humans, because people cannot live without animals in terms of biodiversity, since people are tied in with animals. The most desirable way to sustain the Earth’s environment is to protect these areas and reconsider human actions.

Secondly, nowadays, many people and governments have begun to take notice of protecting the environment because we can recognize that human actions are harmful to nature. For instance, due to human action, there have been many natural disasters, such as landslides and climate change. These accidents’ responsibilities are ours, and we have to recuperate using modern technology. Instead of building new houses and industries, we should focus on preserving the whole Earth’s environment. If we overlook this responsibility, our nature will escalate, and we will end up unable to live on our planet.

In conclusion, we should focus on protecting our nature instead of building new facilities, because humans are tied in with our nature. Humans cannot exist on Earth if we abdicate our responsibilities.Therefore, I totally disagree that humans should concentrate on meeting our needs rather than protecting endangered species.


Some people believe that building new facilities like houses and mills is more important than protecting endangered species. However, I believe that these actions do more harm than good, because these animals are suffering from the lack of habitat due to human actions that have expanded the habitat without thinking about biodiversity and future impacts. Therefore, I believe that humans should be considerate of endangered species instead of satisfying their needs. I hold this opinion for two reasons, which I will explain in the following essay.

First of all, man’s actions have released destructive and harmful emissions into the natural environment where animals and plants live without disturbing humans. Many countries have started to build new plants to increase the power of their country. This has led to irreparable destruction in the world. For example, one of the biggest problems is deforestation, which is harmful not only to the animals that live there, but also to humans, because in terms of biodiversity, humans cannot live without animals because they are connected to them. The best way to preserve the earth’s environment is to protect these areas and rethink human actions.

Secondly, nowadays many people and governments have started to work to protect the environment because we can see that human actions are harming nature. For example, many natural disasters, such as landslides and climate change, are due to human actions. We are responsible for these accidents, and we need to make amends for them using modern technologies. Instead of building new houses and industries, we should focus on preserving the entire environment of the earth. If we neglect this responsibility, our nature will escalate and we will end up not being able to live on our planet.

In conclusion, we should focus on protecting our nature instead of building new plants, because people are connected to our nature. Therefore, I absolutely disagree that we should focus on satisfying our needs instead of protecting endangered species.


Thank you very much!!!

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Sorry for the late reply. I always find new expressions from newspaper and I use these words on my essay. But I need to practice more to use with a correct way.