show up vs show (He didn't show up to the meeting to day)


I have some difficulty with the phrasal verbs (most of the times, so i try not to use them>
what is the correct usage of “show up” and show.
He didn’t show up to the meeting to day (he didn’t come to the meeting)
He didn’t show ? (I don’t know if it is right or not)
Please explain.
Thank you,

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Are there any good resources on “phrasal verbs”.
Thank you for your help.

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“To show up”, in the context of one’s job, means “to arrive”. It is quite common in America.

“To not show” usually implies that someone should have come somewhere but didn’t. You would use it if, say, “Michelle” invited “Nicole” to a restaurant, but Nicole didn’t come. You would then ask Michelle “Nicole didn’t show?”

Does that help?

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That helps …Thank you very much Touhou!

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Sure thing, Mrv. Good luck.

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