Populace vs. population

This use of “Hungarians” must be a euphemism for gypsies. The word “bohemian” came to be used the way it is now in French and English because evidently the French thought of gypsies as coming from Bohemia (i.e., the western Czech lands). In the US we just say that the bogie man will get the kids and let their imagination fill in the blanks. Nobody knows what the bogie man is, but he’s clearly up to no good.

When my brother (nine years older than me) was a little boy, he was afraid to go down the basement alone, because he thought there must be a monkey down there. My older sister had the same fear because she imagined a black dog was in the basement. Can you guess what scary thing I imagined was in the basement when I was 3 or 4 years old? Nikita Krushchev!

In my language boh?m means someone who enjoys the bright side of life, likes spending money on girls, drinks, not reliable, but we still like him, because he’s never worried and (if not broke at the moment) never cheap.
The word boh?m carries a positive meaning, we only use it with respect mostly about a friend, or a relative.
Jamie, the word “gypsy” has become disciminating in Hungary, the proper word is Roma.
In my language their name was cig?ny(ok), but this word is inappropriate from now, and only they are allowed to use it for each other.
This causes some funny situation, for example in a restaurant You don’t know how to order “cig?nypecsenye” and it wouldn’t be a big deal if it wasn’t one of the best foods ever.
In Canada I had a good friend from Yamaica and he was surprised when I told him that in my country the word “n?ger” is not offensive, but if I sad “black” then I’d refer to the color of his skin, so it’s rather discriminating.
It took a while till I got used not to use this word,but we have this cake called n?gercs?k (cs?k means kiss) and a friend of mine said aloud (we were in a bus stop surranded by black guys) that he missed it so much and he would like to have one.
When I told him to be quiet,he said that it was the name of his favorit cake for God’s sake!
We were lucky ,I’m still alive :slight_smile:

In English, gypsies are supposed to be called Romani, but nobody uses the term, because we don’t see people of that ethnicity here, and people don’t really know about them.

The word “bohemian” (with a small B) is not usually affectionate here. It generally means someone who lives an “alternative” lifestyle – unreliable, very promiscuous, doesn’t work much, has a lot of stupid ideas. I think “boh?m” means the same thing in Czech.

I know about those predicaments with the names of various foods not being politically correct anymore. My mom had some names of candy that you wouldn’t dare say even 30 years ago. One of these candies came to be known as “milk chocolate babies”.

It’s kind of stupid, because changing the accepted name of a group is an attempt to change their reputation, but the bad reputation always catches up with the name, and they have to change the name again. In the US, over decades, we went in this direction: colored > negro > Negro > black > Black > African American. Every time they changed the name, it became a derogatory word in a few years. The funny part is that “African American” has too many syllables, so most of the time the people themselves call themselves “black”, but whites are held to a different standard. They get nervous about making a social mistake, so they end up saying “African American” to black people, but saying “black” to white people, just as the blacks say to each other.

I must agree with You, this kind of situation can cause a lot of confusion.
For example if a Romani doesn’t look like one but he uses the word gypsy, people might think he’s a racist, even if he’s a Romani.
If a word becomes inappropriate it shouldn’t be used by anybody without exception,otherwise it could be an other kind of dicrimination.

I think the answer to the problem would be for people to quit being so picky.

Amen :slight_smile: