Managers are looking to cut costs, and one way to do it that's currently gaining favor is to go

Managers are looking to cut costs, and one way to do it that's currently gaining favor is to go ..... for all or parts of the project; for example, one of the Intranet Design Annual 2001 winners was headquartered in the United States, but hired a firm in Mexico to design its intranet. (*) abroad (*) offshore (*) overseas (*) pelagic

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at,managers-are-looking-to-cut-costs-and-one-way-to-do-it-thats-currently-gaining-favor-is-to-go-___-for-all-or-parts-of-the-project-for-example-one-of-the-intranet-design-annual-2001-winners-was-headquartered-in-the-united-states-but-hired-a-firm-in-mexico-to-design-its-intranet/
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…is to go overseas…

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