Hope for the UK

Here is a headline that gives me hope that our British friends might not be doomed to eternal failure after all:

Only 9% of Britons want life to return to “normal” after the coronavirus outbreak is over, a survey suggests.


Why so, Torsten? Have they adopted the concept of lock-down as a way of life or adapted themselves to the restricted situation in an irretrievable manner?

What does @Alan have to say about this?


Hi Lawrence, it’s obvious that we can’t get back to our ‘normal life’ because what we have been doing (by ‘we’ I primarily refer to the so-called ‘developed countries’ has not been normal at all. You can’t ignore planetary limits and laws for ever without facing the consequences. For more, please click on #climate-change and #humanity_first


Yes, the great question now is CHERISH or PERISH!
This is possible only by preserving Nature.


Exactly. Most of us don’t understand that fighting global warming is an even greater challenge than COVID-19. Just because the pandemic has started doesn’t mean that global warming has stopped: Going back to 'normal' would be suicide


Hey all, cool topic you have here!

I think I’ve seen talk about the survey Torsten mentioned floating around, and the key takeaway people have is that “going back to normal” would imply again taking things for granted, like the freedom to travel, to socialize face-to-face, and (perhaps most of all) the way our world can be without constant pollution. (Only a few days ago, I saw a video someone from Croatia took - a whale has been spotted in the Adriatic sea, since so few people are around nowadays!)

All these examples (the whale, dolphins returning to Italian shores, more stars visible in the sky in urban areas) have been forcing people to face grim reality: humans, as they are right now, are a plague upon the planet. Okay, I could have said that in a less harsh manner, but it is what it is.

I see many people talking about coming out on the other side of this pandemic with more compassion towards their fellow human beings, especially essential workers. However, what we seem to (conveniently) forget is that we should also show more empathy towards our planet and all the other species that inhabit it. Only by doing this will we able to not just survive, but thrive. We can probably survive in underground cities once the surface becomes a nuclear wasteland, but where’s the beauty in that?

Also the video Torsten linked above is something everyone should watch.