have to, am to , got to

Hi, Santa.

The use of “would” implies a condition in that sentence.

I would have to think over my plans (if I wanted to study in Rome next year).

“Have to” indicates something has already happened that requires thinking over the plans.

The sentence on the company indicates it is indeed still around and would not be but for his efforts. The condition is no longer possible, because it has been confined to the past, where the contrary has already become a reality.

hello Mordant
I am sorry to bother you again for the same question. Actually i could not understand that in given sentence, “If it weren’t for his dedication, this company wouldn’t exsist!.” we have used “were not”, so according to me it is an unreal conditional which does not exsist yet. So how can we assume that the company already exsist. I am bit confused, SO could you please clear this point. I will be very thankful to you.

my another question is that why can’t we say " i has been having this car for the last 10 years. now i want to change it."
what do we have to say " I have had this car for for the last 10 years. now i want to change it." What is the difference and why the first one is wrong, even it is a present perfect continues tense.


It is unreal because it refers to a past condition that has already proven false. Since the past cannot be revised, the condition, as well as its result, is impossible.

“If it weren’t for” means “if it had not been for.” Both refer to what would have happened instead if the past had been different. If the outcome is based entirely on something that did not and now cannot happen, then we know the outcome is false too. So the company exists.

If it weren’t for your mother’s commitment, our family would not be together today.

The false condition is “if your mother’s commit had not existed.” We know it did. The result of this false condition would be the family’s dissolution. If something false is necessary to an outcome, that outcome cannot be real.

If the United States had been a dictatorship, no authentic presidential elections would have taken place.

The result is based on a false past condition. Since the result needs what cannot be in order to occur, the result cannot occur. We cannot amend the past to make a different present outcome. That means authentic presidential elections took place.

I hope this helps.

First, “I” must be capitalized. Second, “have” is the first person singular form of “have.” The progressive is wrong here, as this use of “have,” meaning “to own,” is stative. Oddly enough, "I have been owning this car … " is less offensive. “Now” should be capitalized.

Hello Mordant

I wanted to know that what “Inversions” are and how can we use it???
