To fly or not fly -- gerund or infinitive?

The gang members committed dozens of armed robberies.

Theft is the crime of stealing.

Art theft is now part of organised crime.

If you glide somewhere you move silently and in a smooth and effortless way.

Waiters glide between tightly packed tables bearing trays of pasta.

Insurance claims are expected to soar.

If something such as a bird soars into the air, it goes quickly up into the air.

The two sheets of flame clashed.

If your spirits soar, you suddenly start to feel very happy.

My co-pilot suddenly grabbed the wheel.

They wheeled her out on the stretcher.

A flock of crows wheeled overhead.

Potter’s wheel

Meals on wheels

Spare wheel

Spinning wheel

Steering wheel

To hover means to stay in the same position in the air without moving forwards or backwards.

Many birds and insects can hover by moving their wings very quickly.

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You can also kind of fly by using a paraglider. Interestingly enough, the German translation of ‘you are flying’ is ‘du fliegst’ which also means ‘you’ll get/you are getting fired’.