difference between dumb and stupid

Very articulately put, Amy. I agree with all of it.

I think “dumb” for “stupid” has its place in BrE. “Dummy”, which derives from “dumb”, has indicated a “blockhead” since the late 18th century; British schoolchildren have called each other “dumbo” for several decades.

Cf. Robert Graves’s play on the word in:

(I’m not sure why “crazy” should be excluded, either, in that particular test: “thin partitions”, etc.)


You’re right, MrP. Come to think of it, the word ‘crazy’ isn’t that far-fetched a choice for the test sentence either.

There is a book called What’s the difference written by Norman Moss. There are many words that differ from British English and American language.

Be careful of those lists of “differences” in British and American English, because many of the items are not true.

Well I am Swedish so I have to trust the dictionaries until I get a better word or expression by a native.
I know that the English language changes very fast. The word “hey” has changed it’s meaning for example and it puzzles me :frowning:

“Hey” used to be a noise to get people’s attention. Now more and more Americans are using it in the same way the Swedish word “hej” is used. I think it’s because it has always been used that way a lot in the deep south, where the language has old, old Nordic influence, probably predating the split of the various Germanic languages.