demanded he write down

Don’t thank BN until he/she corrects him/herself, David. He/she misled you.

Dear Mr Alan:
Shouldn’t it be: I meant I was bringing too critical…?


Hi Saneta,

That was a silly typo on my part, which I have now changed. Thanks for telling me. It should read: I was being too critical …’


That wasn’t being rude, Haihao, and I’m sorry you misinterpreted it as being so.

No I didn’t. I have nothing to correct myself over.

Be not sorry to me but be sorry to Alan and be careful in the phraseology of your circles!


. My response was tongue in cheek, hence the ‘grin’ emoticon. I’m sorry if my humour was misunderstood or misplaced.

As for examples, I’ve provided two and explained I’ve heard them - I can’t provide sources which could be verified from literature so I’m also sorry that my word on that is obviously not good enough.

Maybe I’m not fitting in here as well as I had hoped.

“Be careful in the phraseology of your circles”
Sorry. Could you explain that?
It appears that you have jumped on a phrase which you don’t understand and are now trying to use it as some sort of condemnation.

You know what? I came to this site to try to be helpful, to interact with intelligent people to whom English was important, and to brush up my own grammar, given that my (English) degree was taken a considerable while ago and most of my English teaching for a long time has been with younger people who don’t have such a requirement of an in-depth knowledge of grammatical construction. The first day or so, I began to wonder if it was worth it, then things settled. I’ve spent a considerable amount of time here trying to help over a short period. Now I’m not so sure it’s worth it.

So if we add a SHOULD before the verb, can we call it subjunctive then?

Hi Bez, you have been doing an excellent job answering so many questions and explaining so many items. As far as I can see you fit in perfectly here.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC short conversations: A radio news anchorman asks his colleague for a weather update[YSaerTTEW443543]

Thanks Torsen,

To be honest that post was made at the end of a very long, very difficult, very emotional day, and I over-reacted to the comments made. My apologies all round.

It was probably unfortunate that I decided the best way to unwind after the tense day, was to chill out in this forum. In retrospect, I’d have been better off avoiding it for the evening, but no one was to know that at the time.