am vs. do (I am not agree. vs I don't agree.)

Hi, teachers! :slight_smile: Could you help me on this?

(wrong) I am not agree.
(right) I don’t agree.

When do we use “am” and when do we use “do”?




We use ‘do’ in question and negative sentences as in: Do you understand? I do not understand. Therefore I don’t (do not) agree is the correct form. ‘Am’ is used for the first person of the Present tense of the verb ‘to be’. If you use the verb ‘to be’ on its own, it describes a state or condition as in: I am happy/I am not happy.


why “i am not angry with you” is right and “i am not agree with you” is wrong?

Because ‘angry’ is an adjective while ‘agree’ is a verb.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, talks: Young woman leaves voice mail asking her friend to call back[YSaerTTEW443543]

If you still want to use the word ‘agree’, you will have to change it into an adjective and rewrite the sentence like this:

I am not agreeable with you.

The adjective ‘agreeable’ has the sense of ‘pleasant’ ‘pleasing’ and is used as ‘agreeable climate/agreeable manners/agreeable personality’. You can’t say:

. The only possibility in that sort of context would be: I am not agreeable to you. That would be an odd thing to say about yourself. What is needed is: I am not in agreement with you.


Agree modifies “I”, except that “agree” is a verb. You can use the adjective “agreed” instead.

I am not agreed with you. Except that negotiating agreement requires two parties; it’s not something one party can do. The sentence really should be “We are not agreed.”

If you were discussing a fixed position (such as a printed document), with no negotiation possible, “I disagree.”

You’ll want to use the active voice with “agree” in both your sentences, in other words:

We do not agree
I do not agree with you.

I don’t think “We are not agreed” sounds natural at all, unless it is used in some very specific context.

I would suggest that it is possible to use this construction in a positive way, particularly as a question. You would ask after a long discussion when a conclusion has been reached: Are we all agreed (on that)?


I see,
Thanks for the explanation, Alan!

  1. What is needed is: I am not in agreement with you. (Yes, I fully agree with you)

  2. The adjective ‘agreeable’ has the sense of ‘pleasant’ ‘pleasing’ and is used as ‘agreeable climate/agreeable manners/agreeable personality’. (I disagree with you, for it also has this meaning : ready to agree).

  3. We use to as in I agree to your proposal, and with as in I agree with you. (I’d like to know the correct position from you)

[Please bear in mind that these observations come from the practical experience of a non-native user of English)

Alternatively, you could say ‘Savvy?’ as Captain Jack Sparrow does :wink: (Just kidding).[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, talks: Stadium announcement asking fans to remove car from emergency exit[YSaerTTEW443543]

I could not get you, Torsten. Please clarify what you mean.

Well, Captain Jack Sparrow is the main character in the film series Pirates of the Caribbean and he often says ‘Savvy?’ which is supposed to mean ‘do you get it?’ and to me it also implies ‘do you agree?’[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, talks: Radio presenter announces latest news including the President’s visit[YSaerTTEW443543]

How is it relevant here, in our discussion?

That’s up to every individual user to decide.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, talks: Waiter welcomes guests and informs them about the night’s specials[YSaerTTEW443543]