Interesting questions? I am sure you would both be quick to give definitions of ‘offensive’ and ‘insulting’ had they been asked for by one of our posters.
I am not refusing to define, I am not going to define something which you know as well as I do. Neither am I demanding that insulting posts be deleted as you’ve chosen to turn around what I actually said… My original comment was that I hoped your question: What do you think, folks? Shall I just delete threads like this or leave them as a lesson and a warning? was not to be taken too seriously as I do not consider it is our function to remove posts that we personally don’t like although they don’t come under a category of ‘insulting’ and offensive’ or if you like ‘disgusting’, ‘revolting’ ‘abominable’ or any similar description. And if you seriously think I am going to define any of these words for the benefit of another native speaker on this forum so that the meanings can be picked over, disputed and discussed ad nauseam, you are wholly mistaken.
And my original, you’ll note, was two questions. Very well, then-- I will delete nothing until Torsten gets back to me with a reasonable outline of what he wants deleted and what he wants preserved here.
I don’t use models, M-- as you know, the rules are different from site to site, and some are more reasonable than others. I try to do the job they want me to-- it is their property, after all.
Discussions decompose under heating, and I think what Alan said here
should take the heat off all native speakers on this thread.
It’s common sense more than anything. I certainly don’t feel like deleting posts ‘on a whim’, and I’m sure that Torsten or MM or Alan operate along the same lines. Analogously, we don’t delete posts when asked by a contributer just because he or she feels disparaged by a certain comment.
If we were to delete a comment such as
we would have to delete half the comments of the poster who had to take a hit here.
Since the “poster in question” was a certain “Furrykef”, on another forum, I’m not sure why a certain “Molly”, on this forum, should find it insulting; especially as the Molly in question responded with “Quite true”.