"You are too much of a .....-man at work, Todd. The boss could tell you to shine his shoes and you would say Yes, Sir.' You need to stand up for yourself sometimes," Donna told him.

"You are too much of a .....-man at work, Todd. The boss could tell you to shine his shoes and you would say Yes, Sir.' You need to stand up for yourself sometimes," Donna told him. (*) yes (*) yellow (*) yak (*) grunk

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://english.best/questions/14948,you-are-too-much-of-a-___-man-at-work-todd-the-boss-could-tell-you-to-shine-his-shoes-and-you-would-say-yes-sir-you-need-to-stand-up-for-yourself-sometimes-donna-told-him/