

‘She [color=red]would always love Percy’ is correct, common, and a term used to indicate that she will continue to love him throughout her existence, not just when she was young.

In this case, the difference, please between these two:

  1. She would always love Percy.

  2. She will always love Percy.

The sentence with “bring” seems like “storybook” English that [color=red]would never be used in real life

In this case, what it the difference between:

  1. The sentence with “bring” seems like “storybook” English that would never be used in real life.

  2. …that is never used in real life.

These two sentences with “would” are conditional, aren’t they? If they are, what is the condition for each of them?


#1 stretches forward indefinitely from some point in the past; #2 stretches forward indefinitely from the present. In this case “would” is just the past tense of “will”. There is no conditional aspect. (At least, not in the usual sense. It may be possible to contrive a conditional flavour with a specially constructed context.)

“is never used” is a definite statement of fact. I guess you could interpret “would never be used” as a statement about people’s predicted behaviour “if the circumstance arose”. In practice, though, the conditional aspect does not seem very prominent, and “would” tends to just make the sentence seem more circumspect in a situation where it cannot feasibly be known with certainty that such a sentence is “never” used.