Would it be wrong to put a comma after "writer"?

“He was a thinker and an avid writer often delving into the Chinese classics to draw lessons for modern Singapore. His book “Thoughts From A Gilded Cage” was published in 2018. His demise saddens all of us at the SDP. We hold his loved ones in our thoughts and prayers as they go through this difficult time.”

Would it be wrong to put a comma after “writer”?



I don’t think it is necessary.
He was a thinker and an avid writer often delving into the Chinese classics to draw lessons for modern Singapore. (To me, the nuance suggests that both the articles differentiate his features: ‘a writer who often delves into Chinese classics …’ as well as ‘a thinker’ at the same time. On the other hand, the phrase 'often delving into …" will apply to both ‘thinker and avid writer’ if it is with the single article: “He was a thinker and avid writer”)