worried about when

[color=red]1-My muscles don’t really hurt any more but I am worried about when I will start jogging again.

Can’t this sentence have two possible meanings:
a-I am anxious to start jogging soon and am worried about when that time will come
b-I am worried that something will go wrong when I start jogging again.


I think it means the no.a…not no. b…

And i think its more like
I am concerned about the time i’ll re-start jogging now that my muscles dont hurt anymore…

Not sure though…looking forward to expert opinion…

Yes, it can (though as the first phrase indicates there is no longer any muscular pain. the first meaning seems highly unlikely).
The sentence is not particularly well written, in particular the use of ‘I am worried about when I will’

Correct sentences should make the meanings clearer:
My muscles don’t really hurt any more but I am still worried about when I will be able to start jogging again.
My muscles don’t really hurt any more but I am worried about what will happen when I start jogging again.

Is there any possibility that the narrator meant to say:
It’s not the muscles that really hurt; it’s the spirit which makes me uncertain when I can restart my jogging.

I suppose it’s possible, Justin.
It’s less likely than the others though.

In that case, a clearer sentence would be:
My muscles don’t really hurt any more but I am worried about whether I will have the courage/nerve/spirit/heart/soul to start jogging again.