"Worlds Largest Free SAT Question Bank"... wicked!

Hey dudes, about a month ago this site announced that it has the largest free online question bank. 1500 questions or something. I guess that means it has this bank of questions you can time yourself on, see how well you do, and it’s full of standard SAT prep questions (much like the Princeton Review) both in English and Math.

I checked it out and it’s pretty awesome!


Click on the “Question Bank” tab at the top. There’s also lessons, and quizzes.

Enjoy! :shock:

there is also a test bank here: kaptest.com/quizbank

teennotebook.com/2008/04/11/free … om-kaplan/

Having material is important.And once we get the material we should make the best use of it.For a better preparation we should practice reading many examples of the word being used,that will help us remember it. According to the web site www.improvingvocabulary.org, making up your own examples can also improve your memory of words by 670%.